To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
ORT in UkraineNews & MediaNewsUkrainian ORT students took part in the VII International Contest "Robotraffic"
Ukrainian ORT students took part in the VII International Contest "Robotraffic"24 Áåðåçíÿ 2016
ORT students for nearly six years have a great opportunity to gain new knowledge in the field of Robotics, acquire friends from different countries and learn more about the culture and life of Israel due to the participation in the International Competition "Robotraffic". This year students from 6 countries participated in the competition: Argentina, Israel, Russia, Mexico, USA and Ukraine. Supporting by IBS Company 20 students and Robotics’ teachers from ORT schools from Dnepropetrovsk, Zhaporozhie, Kiev, Odessa, and Chernivtsi visited Israel and took part in the prestigious international competition held at “Leumi” Robotics Center of "Technion" Institute in Haifa on March 17th. In addition to the training and participation in the competition, participants enjoyed walking and bus tours of Israel, visited Robotics company «Maytronic».
Our congratulations to ORT senior students: Odessa ORT School ¹94 won 1st place in “Careful Driving”, 3rd place in “Racing”; Kiev ORT Educational Complex ¹141 won 3rd place in “Careful Driving”, 3rd place in “Solid – Car Construction” (supported by “National Instruments” Company); Dnepropetrovsk specialized school ¹144 won 2nd place in “Careful Driving”, 2nd place in “Traffic Safety Initiatives” and 3rd place in “Traffic Regulations Test”; Zhaporozhie Jewish Gymnasium “ORT-Alef” won 3rd place in “Traffic Regulations Test”. Our congratulations to ORT middle students: Odessa ORT School ¹94 won 2nd place in “Racing”.
Our congratulations to ORT teachers: Igor Kot (ORT-Odessa) got special prize for contribution in the Robotics Education; Sergey Dzuba (ORT-Kiev) got special prize for contribution in the Robotics Education; Aleksey Kurgan (ORT-Zaporozhye) got special prize for contribution in the Robotics Education; ORT-Odessa team got National Instruments’ special prize. See also: