ORT in Ukraine
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To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslan
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
ORT in UkrainePrograms & ProjectsFor adultsORT Educational Center in the Cultural and Business Center "Menorah"

ORT Educational Center in the Cultural and Business Center "Menorah"

ORT Educational Center in the Cultural and Business Center "Menorah" in Dnipropetrovsk was opened in November 2013. During 2014 academic year 125 persons studied computer technology on various courses there. This is the third computer laboratory established by World ORT in Dnipropetrovsk. Center also serves aged people; the course "Communication without Borders" was designed for pensioners who want to learn how to use a computer in everyday life.

A significant project on retraining in IT sphere members of the Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk is implemented at the Centre. This is the "Microenterprise Loan Program" that is realized together with Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community and the Jewish Community of Greater Boston (Massachusetts, USA); and allows to get microcredit on business projects of Jewish women, especially the most vulnerable.

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