To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
ORT specialized school #94ORT in ODESSA
The “TRUD” society was created in Odessa in 1864. Its mission was to teach skills in the craft industry between Jews, an idea similar to that which was developed and officially registered in St Petersburg in 1880. In December 1865 the Board of “TRUD” organized two craft workshops – for joiners and locksmiths. TRUD provided students not only with knowledge, but also facilitated the employment of its graduates. In 1896, with the support of local industrialists and merchants, the first large school was equipped with workshops, on Bazarnaya 17 str. The Jewish vocational school continued its work throughout the Soviet period, until 1941. The declaration of Ukraine as an independent state and its new policy on national minorities made it possible to implement the idea of regeneration of Jewish schools. The «Tali» Jewish Sunday school was established with the help of the Jewish community of Odessa in November 1993 and in 1995 it was used as the basis for the creation of Jewish state school # 94. ORT renewed its operations in Odessa in 1997 and since then the history of ORT and the Jewish school in Odessa is inseparable.
Odessa “ORT” specialized school #94 of general education of I-III levels with profound study of Hebrew and Informatics
The school itself is a state school with 418 students. The school’s curriculum supplements the national curriculum with Jewish and technology studies. The cycle of Jewish subjects includes: Hebrew, Culture, Traditions and History of the Jewish people, the Geography of Israel, the course "Holocaust," Jewish art and music. This cycle is taught upon Israeli and author programs controlled both by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education of Israel. The school operates a family club, school theater and song ensemble "Nitsanim." In 2002, within the framework of “Regeneration 2000” project, ORT Centre was established at the school. Due to its active cooperation with the school’s administration and staff there have been established modern computer labs, used unique training equipment (Lego Dacta, Robolab), developed and taught a course on computer science and ICT from 1 to 11 grades, and in senior grades profile education runs. From 2000, a new for Ukraine "Technology"course, is being introduced into the school’s curriculum; the course includes physical and computer modeling based on Lego Dacta and Lego Mindstorms. Training seminars for teachers of the city and region are regularly held in collaboration with the Regional Institute of Advanced Training for Teachers. See also: