To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
Zhaporizhya Jewish Gymnasium “ORT-Aleph”ZhaporizhyaJewish Gymnasium“ORT-Aleph” Was founded in 1992. Today, the school trains 363 students, teaching staff of the gymnasium consists of 38 experienced teachers. ORT Educational Technology Center opened its doors at school in February 2005; it was created to provide studies on science and technology for school students and attract teachers of general subjects to use information technology in the educational process, and also provide technological support to Jewish circle studies. The center is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment, high speed Internet, licensed software. Every student has got the access to the up-to-date educational resources, media-library, and technology laboratories. In 2012 new computer lab was inaugurated at junior school; teachers of the elementary classes got the opportunity to conduct the lessons on Informatics and lessons with ICT usage. ORT equipped it with personal computers, projector, printer, screen, new furniture, UPS. Students learn the basics of programming, information technology, Web-design, "Lego"-designing, introduction to robotics "Robolab", computer audio and video technology; at the Physics lessons have the opportunity to work with the digital laboratory "Archimedes". Along with studying general subjects school students also have the opportunity to study the subjects of Jewish national cycle: Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish History, the Traditions of the Jewish people, Jewish Literature and Geography of Israel. School students could also realize themselves during afterschool activity, participating in different circles: "Folk Dances", "Folk Songs," "Rhetoric", "Journalism". Teachers of the school got the opportunity to upgrade their skills in information technology courses Web 2.0. and Intel.
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