ORT in Ukraine
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To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslan
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
ORT in UkraineNews & Media

News & Media

ORT students are ahead of the technological progress again!
20 Êâ³òíÿ 2017
Many of us enjoy watching on the progress and latest achievements in technology and science from the outside, appreciating the concrete products rather than the process itself. However, the students from ORT Educational Complex ¹141 are not the same. They just are those who prefer to pass all the...
ORT students took part in the international project "Masa Shorashim"
20 Êâ³òíÿ 2017
From March 27th to April 2nd 2017 our students took part in the international project "Masa Shorashim" ("Roots"). This year, the route passed through the cities and towns of the former Jewish cities in Belarus: Minsk, Rakov, Volozhin, Iwye, Novogrudok, Mir, Nesvizh. The project brought together 400...
Congratulations to the winners of the Third Ukrainian students Olympiad on Hebrew and Jewish literature
06 Êâ³òíÿ 2017
The final, 4th stage of the Third Ukrainian students Olympiad on Hebrew and Jewish literature was held in Dnipro at the International Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute "Beit Hana». It was attended by 17 students from six regions of Ukraine and Kiev.