ORT in Ukraine
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ORT in UkraineNews & MediaNewsORT pupils won "BestRoboFest 2017", and were invited to attend Dnipro City Council commission

ORT pupils won "BestRoboFest 2017", and were invited to attend Dnipro City Council commission

15 ×åðâíÿ 2017

Pupils of the 5th grade of Dnepro Jewish school named after Levi-Yitzhak Schneerson not only won in the National Festival of Robotics and Innovation "BestRoboFest 2017", but their proposal to address the problem ofapedestrian visibility at an unregulated crossing will be considered at the meeting of the "Smart City" commission of the City Council.

The brothersDavid and Ilya Ryabko, not only put forward the idea of how to improve safety of crossings, but also offered a technical solution of creation of "Clever Pedestrian Crossing" with the illumination of the entire area of a zebra at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, when a person approached it and throughout the whole crossing.

"The driver sees in advance that there is someone on a pedestrian crossing. In addition, if a car is parked on the right side of the roadway, or it has stopped, this situation will not be an obstacle to the clear visibility of a pedestrian. Thus, with the help of such a solution, many accidents could be avoided," –  Ryabko brothers described the real advantages of their solution.

This engineering solution David and Ilya Ryabkoinvented, described and made a working minimodelat ORT Robotics circle. The guys used LEGO, elements of microelectronics, components of the Arduino constructor, LED ribbons and other materials. The functioningmodel was completely assembled and soldered byfifth-grade pupilswithout assistance!

It is not surprising that the work of Ryabko brothers got the first place at the "BestRoboFest 2017" festival in the nomination "The best technological solution", and its authors David and Ilya, in addition to the certificate of winners and designer figurines, received a very large set of a young designer.

Moreover, it became known that David and Ilya Ryabko were officially invited to the meeting of the "Smart City" commission at the City Council to present their technical solution.
Let's hope that Ryabko's crossing will receive support, and this simple and original solution will save many lives, including children's, not only in Dnipro city, but also in Ukraine!

Our congratulations and respect to the young inventors!

 *Ìàòåð³àëè âçÿò³ ç ñàéòó http://djc.com.ua/

See also:
15 ×åðâíÿ 2017
15 ×åðâíÿ 2017
24 Êâ³òíÿ 2017
20 Êâ³òíÿ 2017
20 Êâ³òíÿ 2017