To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
Educational center ORT- Hillel KievThe first IT laboratory was installed and first course started on the basis of “Hillel” International in October 2014. Educational center ORT- Hillel Kiev was officially opened in May 2015 with the installation of the second lab. Center provides a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by youth in obtaining a successful career in computer programming. Hundreds of young members of the Jewish community, who are aiming for an ICT education, could pass IT training courses at the ORT- Hillel Center; that will enable them to keep up-to-date, well employed, and improve their economic status. Fields of study at computer school are: Introduction to programming, C/C++ programmer, Java programmer, iOS developer, Android developer, E-marketing and SEO, UI design, Project Manager WEB, Front-end developer, Net developer. Each course is of duration 32 or 64 hours (4 hours per week). All practical exercises are based on real-life projects. All disciplines are accompanied by an in-depth study of the English language and lessons on mathematical logic. Teaching staff are professionals with years of experience in the biggest IT companies in Ukraine such as Luxoft, Ciklum, Netpeak, Netocrat Communications etc. See also: