To work for the advancement of Jewish and other people through training and education. To provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.
Kristina Kylyncharslana cadet of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
ORT Educational Complex ¹141September 1, 2015 the first ring sounded in the courtyard of ORT Educational Complex ¹141. It became the successor of Kiev ORT Technology lyceum – the first educational institution with the status of "Pathfinder school". Kiev ORT Technology lyceum received significant achievements in the field of experimental introduction of IT into curriculum, taught students the latest information and communication technologies, led them to scientific, research, and inventive activity. ORT Educational Complex # 141 operates under the Agreement on cooperation in the field of education between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Israel and the Memorandum between the World ORT and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine about cooperation in the field of complete general secondary and vocational education. Training at the Educational Complex is held in four stages: pre-school, I degree comprehensive school, II degree specialized school with advanced study of foreign languages and information technologies and technological lyceum. In addition to the traditional school classrooms ORT Educational Complex houses: - Media-Library; - Modern laboratories of biology, physics, chemistry; - 7 laboratories of information technology; - 2 special language laboratories; - A modern sports hall, gym, small combined sports and ballroom; - Conference hall with wardrobe and bathroom the operator; - Modern stadium (football field) from treadmills; - Court (playground for team sports: basketball, volleyball, tennis); - 2 playgrounds facility; - Greenhouse; - conference hall.
Computers, projectors, screens are installed in every classroom. In addition, students are able to use ICT in the study of mathematics and humanities. All rooms have access to the Internet. Students of ORT Educational Complex have the opportunity to study in-depth computer science and information technology, to master the unique courses on microelectronics, robotics and ordinary machines. The school is working on experimental curriculum, all programs on information technology are developed by ORT teachers and experts and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Students in 10-11 grades study the profile courses "Web design", "Architectural and Landscape Design", "Information technologies in economics and business". Also optional courses on computer graphics, animation, and three-dimensional modeling run. ORT Educational Complex ¹141 - is the only educational establishment in Kyiv, which enables its students to study in depth English and Hebrew language at the same time; and also immerse themselves into the culture, geography and history of Israel. Fluent in Hebrew is achieved due to the teachers from Israel; this program is supported by Ministry of Education of Israel. Students of the Complex have an unique opportunity to gain up-to-date skills while training at Cisco Networking Academy, HP program, Microsoft IT Academy and Oracle training academy, that operate on the basis of the school. See also: